Strip guiding system
Our aim is to provide optimum support to all steel manufacturers and processors for their technological production processes. Our business unit ‘Metal’ stands for high-quality strip guiding systems that keep the metal strip in the centre of the machine or in another specified position during processing. This ensures even passage of the strip and prevents damage to the product or the production system.
Quality assurance systems
Rising demands in new materials and increasingly complex components require more process reliability in the production of steel and aluminium strips. Our innovative quality assurance systems allow you to continuously optimise your manufacturing processes to increase the quality of your products.
Crane systems in smelting and steel works
Crane systems are among the most important equipment in production processes – they must function faultlessly to ensure the quality of the end products. Despite high ambient temperatures, extreme loads and aggressive dusts, safety and system availability are top priorities. All over the world, steel producers rely on the premium brake thrusters EMG ELDRO® and EMG ELHY® of our business unit ‘Safety components for heavy-duty logistics’.
These premium-quality products from our affiliate EMG ensure the fault-free functioning of electro-hydraulic drum and disc brakes and thus the safety of persons and machinery.